La artista cubana protagoniza en la Galería Juana de Aizpuru la exposición ‘El tiempo es un sonido que no escuchamos’, una propuesta poética entre el sonido y el silencio.
La inspiración le viene a la artista de experiencias espirituales que ha tenido desde muy joven, “vivencias que me han hecho experimentar una cercanía con la naturaleza a partir de la disolución del ego”, dice en entrevista con DIARIO DE CUBA.
Glenda León’s installation “Listening to the Moon” consists of five objects, suspended on a wall. By their form, they are reminding the waxing moon in its different states. Since the first piece on the left is a crescent of the moon with its right side dark and the last one a round full moon, it has to be the illustration of a waxing moon in the Southern Hemisphere in five phases. The wooden frames of the single pieces shines through the leather-surface. Here, the central area appears obscure, due to the installation on a dark background. However, with brighter wall painting the effect would be different.
In 2021, an influential group of Cuban artists called for a boycott of the 14th Havana Biennale. The Cuban authorities had jailed many of their colleagues for exercising their right to free speech, and these artists wanted to fight back. Protests against the unjust and repressive government have persisted.
Conceptual artist Glenda León takes inspiration from her training in classical ballet. In many of her works, music emerges as an essential theme. Concrete Music (Piano) (2015-19), for example, is a sculptural cube of piano keys that she has showcased atop a grand keyless piano. Metamorphosis (series II, n.1) (2018) features two grand piano covers joined to resemble the wings of a butterfly.